About this blog

This blog shares hard-fought lessons in leadership, policy, belonging & inclusion. After more than 20 years as a professional, I have a lot to share with you. I'm a Gen-Xer raised by Baby Boomers. Pop culture influenced my personal life and my career, and those references will be woven throughout the blog.  

I want to challenge my thinking and yours, generate a conversation, and spur people to act individually and collectively through this commentary. 

I hope we both continue to grow - you, where I hope the ideas I’ve put into words offer a new perspective, and me, by using this blog to make sense of the thoughts I’ve been mulling over in my mind. Let me know what you think.

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Tell Me About Yourself

Published on:
April 6, 2021

It’s okay to talk about how your personal life influences your professional life. In fact, I encourage it. Be brave. Question your longstanding beliefs and attitudes to grow as a leader and a professional.Be prepared to answer, “Tell me about yourself.”
